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Election Day is Tomorrow, November 5th!

Posted 4 months ago by Amanda Lee in Legislative Update

As a reminder, Election Day is tomorrow, November 5th!

NAPNAP's October Inside the Beltway article highlighted the critical impact of voting across the ballot, from the presidential race to local school board elections. While many NAPNAP IL members may have already voted by mail or voted early at a polling place, it is essential all your voices (and votes!) are heard as experts in pediatric health in each election. 

Below are some helpful tips and resources as you navigate Election Day in Illinois: 

Voter Registration 

  • Check your registration status. If you are NOT registered to vote, you can register and vote on Election Day at your polling place!
  • NOTEIf you are registering in person on Election Day, you need two forms of identification with at least one showing your current residence address. 

Vote By Mail (if you still have your mail in ballot)

  • Guarantee your vote will be counted on time. Drop off your ballot in-person at a secure mail ballot drop box. Find secure drop box locations here.

Planning to Vote In Person 

  • Find your polling place here. Polling locations are open from 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • NOTE: Give yourself ample time to vote.

Preparing your Ballot and Learning About the Candidates